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Play Real Audio Get MP3 Kay Buena Self Portrait

Ode to Geeks

One error message on line it's a land mine in real time.
But it's easy to fix you romantically >fondle the keys.
Intrinsically linked to the heart of the company
You got in touch with the start of eternity;;;
Aah, that's me, aah, that's me.

What ever happened to all those tubes in the TV (????)
They ground them to sand and then neatly they wash out to sea.
They melt in a hurry but listen they glisten and fizzle on inside of me.
Oh, I see, yes, I see.

So you got all your ducks in a row and you know how they go.
There's a place where they fix you old teckies but where would it be?
As the Sun brightly sets on a beautifully ordered but explosive mean line of code...
It's banality, at the edge of reality.

Copyright 1998 Caroline Abbitt Sauer